Fitness Testing Web Sites

Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research
At this site, visitors can learn what the Cooper Institute is, order various books (many by Dr. Kenneth Cooper, M.D.) and other health related fitness materials, ask questions via e-mail, and more importantly physical educators can get information about the FitnessGram health related fitness test. The test is explained and you can order the materials directly from the site.
The President's Challenge
The President's Challenge Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Program (The President's Challenge), a program of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, is designed to motivate all Americans to become and stay physically active on a regular basis. Well known for the physical fitness test, the President's Challenge recently expanded its Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA) and initiated a new Presidential Champions program. The PALA recognizes children (ages 6-18) for being active at least 60 minutes per day five days/week and adults/seniors for being active at least 30 minutes per day five days/week for a period of six weeks. The Presidential Champions program is for those individuals who are already active and looking for more of a challenge as they work towards earning presidential recognition. Aside from providing an on-line activity log and other information for the general public, educators and youth leaders can download information on how to implement and use these programs directly from the website.
Physical Best
An overview of this test and it components is included at this site and you will find contact information which should be helpful for those with a greater interest.