Health and Physical Education Journals/Newsletters

Human Kinetics Publishers

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Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (JTPE)

JTPE has articles in it which focus on the teaching process and teacher eduation in physical education. The journal includes research articles based on classroom studies, descriptive and survey studies, summary and review articles, and discussion articles o current topics. Also included periodically are book and media reviews.

JTPE Image
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly

APAQ is a journal that provides the latest scholarly research related to physical activity for special populations.

APAQ image

Quest's purpose is to stimulate professional development in physical education by publishing articles concerned with issues critical to physical education in higher education. The journal does not publish original research reports but welcomes articles that are based on, complement, or review empirical research related to the profession. Both theoretical and practical articles are considered. Quest serves a broad readership that includes academicians, teachers, and administrators by providing a public forum for scholarly and creative thought about the profession.

 Quest image

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)

Phone: 1-800-321-0789

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (JOPERD)

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (JOPERD) is AAHPERD's largest, most frequently published, and most wide-ranging periodical. It is AAHPERD's cornerstone journal, reaching 12,000+ members and subscribers, providing information on a variety of health, physical education, recreation and dance issues. If you haven't seen JOPERD lately, take a minute to browse through it. AAHPERD's premier journal has undergone some recent changes. JOPERD now has a redesigned, modernized layout and features numerous color photographs.


Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators

Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, is a bimonthly journal that offers practical how-to articles for sport and physical education professionals at all levels.


Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES) is a highly respected professional journal offering the latest research in the art and science of human movement studies. This comprehensive professional journal features articles and research notes encompassing such topic areas as biomechanics, epidemiology, motor behavior, measurement and evaluation, physiology, pedagogy, psychology and history/philosophy/sociocultural foundations. An excellent research tool, this journal is a must-have for researchers and university students preparing for careers in exercise and sport science.


American Journal of Health Education

AJHE is sponsored by the American Association for Health Education of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. The mission of the American Association for Health Education(AAHE) is to advance the profession by serving health educators and others who strive to promote the health of all people through education and other systematic strategies.


Other Journals and Newsletters

PE Update

Physical Education Update shows you the secret tricks of the trade that help PE teachers improve sport technique, keep classes fun, jazz up lesson plans, get kids fit and much, much more! PE Update's condensed, illustrated article format, videos and super-fast article abstracts allow you to learn what you need...FAST! And you'll receive practical physical education information that you can use in class...right away!!

PE update
Great Activities Newspaper

This newspaper (published 5 times a year) features lesson activities submitted by elementary and middle school physical educators. To subscribe call 1-800-927-0682.

Great Activities
The Physical Activity and Fitness Research Digest

This is published quarterly by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. While you’re busy working out your body, our experts are busy building the body of knowledge about physical activity and fitness. In the Research Digest, you’ll get the latest scientific updates from the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition.

research digest
PALAESTRA (Forum of Sport, Physical Education & Recreation For Those With Disabilities)

PALAESTRA: Forum of Sport, Physical Education & Recreation For Those With Disabilities, a quarterly publication, published in cooperation with both the U.S. Olympic Committee's Committee on Sports for the Disabled and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance's Adapted Physical Activity Council, is a valuable resource for consumers, their families, and professionals in the field.  PALAESTRA, Greek for a gymnasium or sports school, provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information concerning adapted physical activity for individuals with disabilities.  Whether your interest lies in sports or recreation; training or teaching; outdoor adventure or dance; national or international championships, there is always something entertaining and informative available within PALAESTRA.

Moving Together

The purpose of this electronic newsletter, designed by Ken Daley, is to share / create a collective wisdom in the area of technology as it impacts the professional Kinesiologist. The field of Kinesiology is "the study of human movement" and includes disciplines like Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, Physical Fitness, Sport and all the Sport Sciences. The present bias of the newsletter centers on Internet resources.

moving together
Journal of School Health (Must join the American School Health Association)

school health
The Physical Educator (from Phi Epsilon Kappa)


Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (Formerly European Journal of Physical Education)

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy is the official research journal of the Association for Physical Education. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for high quality educational research for a national and international readership. We intend this research to have a high impact on both policy and practice.

PE and Sport Pedagogy

Sport, Education and Society

Sport, Education and Society is an international journal which provides a focal point for the publication of social science research on pedagogy, policy and the body in society and the wide range of associated social, cultural, political and ethical issues in physical activity, sport and health.

sport education and society

State AHPERD Journals

PE Central's Listing of State AHPERD's