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Physical Education, Obesity, Physical Activity, etc.

  • California study finds physically active kids perform better academically! December 2002. Click here as well for more information.

  • Fitness boosts brainpower. California Educator. Stories by Sherry Posnick-Goodwin.

  • New PE emphasizes lifetime fitness goals. California Educator.

  • The BIG problem: Schools emphasize exercise to battle childhood obesity by Bill Scanlon. Rocky Mountain News. September 24, 2002.

  • Teaching gym clash: Fitness, not competition, is focus in new P.E. by By SUSAN GILL VARDON. The Orange County Register. November 15, 2002.

  • Personal Best -- A Middle School Wellness Program Removes the Social Rigors from Gym Class by Bob Moser. Teaching Tolerance Magazine. Fall 2002.

  • Online PE class is more than mouse clicks. by JEFF GUSSOW. St. Petersburg Times (08/05/02).

  • Tax Soda, Help Kids' Obesity?. March 28, 2002.

  • Fast Food, Fat Children. April 21, 2001.

  • Fighting Child Obesity. April 1, 2002.

  • Facts on Kids Health. Fitness for Youth.

  • Fit For Life. By Elizabeth Brackett of WTTW - Chicago who reports on a new kind of physical education program aimed at helping children live healthier lives. Onlin NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. March 22, 2002.

  • Fat Denver Kids to Get Pedometers. Yahoo News. April 1, 2002.

  • Critics Aim to Bounce Dodge Ball Off the Schoolyard. By Martin Miller. LA Times Online. March 2002.

  • What Constitutes a Quality Physical Education Program?

  • Why Children Need Physical Education

  • Obesity of youth is 'epidemic'. by Tom Weir. USA Today (05/02/00).

  • Get Off That Couch. By Annette Miller. Nov. 26, 2001 Issue.

  • Whatever Happened to Gym Class?. By Salynn Boyles. July 2, 2001.

  • What's Wrong with Dodgeball? The New Phys Ed and the Wussification of America. By Matt Labash. The Weekly Standard. June 25, 2001/Vol 6, Number 39.

  • Is Dodgeball Traumatizing Our Kids?. Transcript from CNN's Talk Back Live Program. June 18, 2001.

  • New phys ed favors fitness over sports by CNN Reporter Kathy Slobogin. May 17, 2001.

  • Raising the bar. By KRISTIN DIZON. SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER. Monday, May 7, 2001.

  • The weak shall inherit the gym. By Rick Reilly. Sports Illustrated. May 8, 2001.

  • The Painful Playground. By Marjorie Williams. The Washington Post. Wednesday, May 9, 2001.

  • Physical Activity Promotion and School Physical Education More PE articles from this organization.

  • PE Reinvents Itself. Northwest Education Magazine. Fall 2000.

  • The Death of Dodgeball. Northwest Education Magazine. Fall 2000.

  • Dodge Ball Takes a Drubbing In Several School Districts. by John Gehring. Education Week. February 21, 2001.

  • Gym Game Is Unable to Dodge School Policy Shifts. Sunday, November 26, 2000.

  • Schools partly blamed for overweight kids. USA Today. June 6, 2000.

  • Getting a Jump on Good Health. By Sara-Ellen Amster. November/December, 2000.

  • Time's up for 'killer-competitive' gym classes: New programs integrate sports, social skills and more. By JODI LEE REIFER. December 4, 2000.

  • Schools take a serious look at P.E. class. December 4, 2000.

  • Elementary students to get more music, art, physical education By Beth A. Duiser. Tuesday, December 26, 2000. The Muskegan Chronical.

  • Gym class behind curtain sets stage for bond issue By ROSA MARIA SANTANA. Monday, January 11, 2001. PLAIN DEALER REPORTER.
  • The Tyranny of Dodgeball is "out" in modern PE by Sophia Dembling, Nov. 1, 2000. Delta Sky Magazine.
  • Miss America shapes up phys ed classes By John Morgan. USA Today (Nov 20, 2000). Health Section.

  • Utah students lacking physical education for healthy lives. AP (Nov. 28, 2000).

  • Parents to meet, discuss physical education waiver by Diane Haag (October 14, 2000). The News Gazette.

  • Education bill tops concerns by Clarissa J. Walker (Sept. 28, 2000). The Augusta Chronicle.

  • Youth exercise: James Sallis. Live chat transcript (August 21, 2000). USA Today.

  • Kids' fitness has plunged since '89: survey. Japan Times (Oct. 8, 2000).

  • Obesity may kill 300,000 a year. USA Today. Sunday, Oct. 26, 1999.

  • Elective courses may get more time by Shannon Womble (Nov. 17, 2000). The Augusta Chronicle.

  • Redefining the phrase 'married to your work' by Lorri Helfand (Sept. 5, 2000). St. Petersburg Times.

  • Health agenda: Get fit, eat healthier. AP (Jan 25, 2000). USA Today. Health Section.

  • America's youth needs to get moving by Naci Hellmich (Nov 29, 2000). USA Today. Health Section.

  • Hail the Olympics! Restore Phys Ed! by Amitai Etzioni (Oct. 9, 2000). Intellectual

  • Extracurricular Activities: Get Your Child Involved by Kimberly Austin.

  • P.E. teachers fear flabby generation By Andrew Mollison / Cox Washington Bureau, April 2, 2000. Cox Newspapers.

  • Mr. Bunn's opus: Swim, ride and run. USA Today (03/31/99). Sports Section.

  • The New PE by Tom Weir. USA Today (May 2, 2000). Sports Section.

  • Illinois school sets pace as PE model. USA Today (May 2, 2000). Sports Section.

  • Special Report-A for Effort: Our Children's Obesity and How Running Can Help by John Brant. Runner's World (September, 2000), 35, 9. 92-97.

    Unfortunately the article is not available online. You will need to purchase the issue to read it.

  • Brewster, Bill. (August 18, 2000). Six Ways to Activate Your Kids. Published by

    This is a journal article, published in the Physical Activity and Fitness Research Digest (September 1999), about the current status of physical education in schools.

  • Physical Education: Should It Be in the Core Curriculum? by Carl Gabbard. Published in Principal Magazine which is produced by National Association for Elementary School Principals (NAESP).

  • The New Physical Education

    This article talks about the NEW PE and how it relates to the CDC School Health Guidelines. While you are there subscribe to the newsletter.

  • Kinder, gentler P.E. meant to get kids hooked on exercise by CNN Reporter Kathleen Koch

  • Comparison of Lifestyle and Structured Interventions to Increase Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness by Andrea L. Dunn, PhD

    This is an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA. Jan. 27, 1999;281:327-334). Click here for a more detailed presentation of this article.

  • PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Are Schools Providing What the Public Wants?

    A Survey Conducted by Opinion Research Corporation International of Princeton, NJ, for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

  • School-based Interventions Improve Heart Health in Children With Multiple Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors by Joanne S. Harrell, et. al., (Vol. 102 No. 2 August 1998, pp. 371-380) published in PEDIATRICS.

    You can only view the abstract to this article for free. You will need to subscribe to their service to see the entire article.

  • Couch-potato Kids = More Sickly Adults by CNN (Pat Etheridge and Kathleen Koch contributors)(May 13, 1998)

    Includes audio interviews with Judy Young (have to have certain plug ins for your computer however) as well as pictures of many of the PE Teachers and kids interviewed. This is the story that actually aired on CNN on May 13, 1998.

  • Guidelines for School and Community Programs to Promote Lifelong Physical Activity Among Young People (March 7, 1997 Issue, Vol.46, No. RR-6). Click here to get the At-A-Glance (shorter) Version of this document.

  • Guidelines for School Health Programs to Promote Lifelong Healthy Eating


  • Audio Interview: Fitness Standards for Today's Kids (May 13, 1998). Interview on National Public Radio's program All Things Considered. Chuck Corbin of Arizona St. Univ. is interviewed about today's fitness levels and how PE can help.

  • Developmentally Appropriate Movement Activities: An excerpt from the video "Play Power" by Sharron Werlin Krull

  • Moving & Learning: Movement Across the Curriculum by Rae Pica

  • Families and Fitness by Timothy Gower

    You will need Real Player to listen to this wonderful report about how physical education can help with fitness.

  • Physical Activity & Sport in the Lives of Girls (The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Report)

    More Articles About PE (Not online)

    Pereira, Joseph, "Phys Ed isn't what it used to be: Now we have "New P.E." The Wall Street Journal, Monday, September 28, 1998.

    Hellmich, Nanci, "CDC encourages schools to get students moving toward fitness," USA Today, March 17, 1997, p. D6.

    Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), out last week, don't offer a specific prescription for how much physical activity kids should get, but they do recommend, for instance, that schools require daily physical education for kindergarten through grade 12. "Just as we're learning how important physical activity is to the health of young people and adults, we're seeing a decline in the number of schools that require daily physical education," says Lloyd Kolbe, director of CDC's division of adolescent and school health.

    Meyer, Michele. (November 1997). "The New PE". Better Homes and Gardens, pp. 108, 110.

    O'Neill, Catherine. (October 1990). "Do you hate PE Class"? Washington Post.

    Shaughnessy, Dan, "An exercise in futility to trash gym," The Boston Globe, May 25, 1996, p. 69.

    Shaughnessy decries proposals to eliminate the mandatory physical education classes required of Massachusetts public school students in every grade, stating that the gym class period is one of the few times that children in the 1990s get any exercise.