Equipment Name:

Scarves for dancing/catching.

Materials Needed: Bridal netting found in fabric stores. Bridal netting is cheap. We got ours for $.25 a yard.

Estimated Cost:



This enables children to practice their catching and coordination skills.

Directions For Making:

Cut strips from bridal netting into lengths about 25 inches long and 6 inches wide. Exact measurement is not that important.

Use for Equipment:

Play music and have children move their scarves to the beat of the music. These activities help master coordination skills and gain confidence.

Other things you can do with this equipment:

Toss them up high and catch when they float down. Toss up and clap twice before catching. Toss scarf high in the air and catch in a pretend hoop. Create a hoop by making a circle with arms. Toss scarf and catch on leg or arm. Hold both ends of scarf with one in each hand behind body and flap arms like a big butterfly.

Submitted by Kimberly Torretti who teaches at Cypresswood Montessori School in Spring, TX. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 7/14/03.