Displaying record(s)
42 record(s) that match your
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Last Updated |
Lesson Type |
Sub-Category |
Activity Name |
Grades |
Views |
Video |
5/22/2019 | 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas | Baseball | Baseball Cross Curricular Activity | 3-5 | 22,126 | |
8/8/2018 | Alternative Assessment | Behavior Management | Responsible Personal and Social Behavior | 6-8 | 52,876 | |
9/28/2017 | 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas | Review of Past Lessons | Coach's Eye Technology Tool | 3-5 | 11,706 | |
1/13/2017 | Paper and Pencil Assessment | Aquatics | Swim Strokes Peer Evaluation Assessment (Aquatics) | 6-8 | 16,311 | |
11/14/2014 | Alternative Assessment | Tennis | Striking in Tennis (Forehand, Backhand, Volley, and Serve) | 5-8 | 28,226 | |
11/18/2013 | Alternative Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Overhand Throw Assessment: Beginning of Year | 3-5 | 36,524 | |
5/31/2013 | 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas | Instructional Strategies | Fill My Bucket | all | 53,387 | |
6/22/2010 | Alternative Assessment | Frisbee | Disc Golf - Scoring | 9-12 | 23,653 | |
4/26/2010 | Alternative Assessment | Lifetime Activities | Lifetime Activities Photo Assessment | 9-12 | 25,576 | |
3/12/2010 | Alternative Assessment | Lifetime Activities | Lifetime Activities Paperless Assessment | 6-8 | 32,202 | |
3/5/2010 | Alternative Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Throwing at Targets | 3-5 | 55,244 | |
3/5/2010 | Alternative Assessment | Frisbee | Frisbee Throwing Assessment | 6-8 | 32,334 | |
10/5/2008 | Alternative Assessment | Swimming | Aquatics Goals | 9-12 | 22,568 | |
8/18/2008 | Alternative Assessment | Jump Rope | Jumping Rope | K-5 | 80,014 | |
2/21/2008 | Alternative Assessment | Fitness Concepts | Fitness-Concepts, Principles, and Benefits | 5th | 106,322 | |
3/5/2007 | Alternative Assessment | Football | Highlight Video Assessment | 9-12 | 33,842 | |
1/22/2006 | Alternative Assessment | Soccer | Rules of Soccer | 6-8 | 55,509 | |
1/22/2006 | Alternative Assessment | Soccer | Soccer Skill Assessment | 4-5 | 80,424 | |
7/26/2005 | Alternative Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Overhand Throwing Video Assessment | 3-5 | 34,170 | |
6/27/2005 | Alternative Assessment | Jump Rope | Long Jump Roping Skills | 5 | 50,497 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Dance | Creative Dance Assessment | 7-8 | 96,413 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Throwing and Catching Journal Entry | 3-5 | 31,727 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Throwing and Catching | 3-5 | 76,424 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Frisbee | Spin Jammer Frisbee Routine | 3-5 | 38,352 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Catching Self Assessment | 3-5 | 54,587 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Soccer | Soccer Skills and Technology | 3-5 | 67,961 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Jump Rope | Long Jump Rope Skills | 4-5 | 55,551 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Role Playing Throwing and Catching | 3-5 | 43,553 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Throwing and Catching | Throwing Underhand and Overhand Peer Assessment | 3-5 | 58,610 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Volleyball | Underhand Volleyball Serving Skills | 6-12 | 75,640 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Tennis | Tennis Skills Booklet | 9-12 | 54,864 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Volleyball | Volleyball | 6-12 | 74,651 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Volleyball | Volleyball Recall Poster | 6-8 | 51,980 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Basketball | Basketball Man Defense | 6-8 | 89,488 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Golf | Golf Skills Assessment | 10-12 | 54,360 | |
8/24/2004 | Alternative Assessment | Soccer | Soccer shooting skills | 9-12 | 70,251 | |
11/16/2003 | Alternative Assessment | Fitness Concepts | Interactive Heart Rate Worksheet | 4-5 | 253,410 | |
6/7/2003 | Alternative Assessment | General PE Knowledge | Cognitive Knowledge About PE | K-12 | 103,279 | |
6/7/2003 | Alternative Assessment | Health Related | First Aid Review | 10-12 | 44,626 | |
6/7/2003 | Alternative Assessment | Fitness Testing | Physical Fitness Tests | 4-5 | 107,428 | |
6/7/2003 | Alternative Assessment | Motor Skills | Basic Motor Skills | 4-5 | 103,732 | |
6/7/2003 | Alternative Assessment | Classroom Management | Rules, Routines and Protocals of P.E. | 3-5 | 64,661 |
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