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Name of Activity:

Slalom Blindfold

Purpose of Activity:

  • Psychomotor: Refine body and spatial awareness
  • Cognitive: Enhance concentration skills
  • Affective: Use positive interactions to plan and guide teammates

    Suggested Grade Level:

    4th and Up

    Materials Needed:

    Five cones, a wand, and a blindfold for each team

    Description of Idea

    In a team of four students, three students tap wands on the floor, attempting to guide a blindfolded teammate through a slalom course of five cones. This course is 30 feet long with five cones spaced five feet apart. Tapping students should tap wands in unison and close together to provide a clear "sound pathway" for the blind-folded player.

    After practice, teams can work toward moving the blind folded player quickly through the slalom course. Rotate positions so all players have turns in each ame role.


    To vary this activity, change the cone arrangement for slalom course, use obstacles of varying size and shape for slalom course, blindfolded partners.

    The following activity is reprinted by permission from the publisher and is from Steve Grineski, 1996, Cooperative Learning in Physical Education, Human Kinetics (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers), [page 78]. Reproduction of this material is forbidden without written permission of the publisher. To order the book or to seek permission, call Human Kinetics at 1-800-747-4457 or visit the HK web site:

    Teaching Suggestions:

    1. Some students may not like to have blindfolds on so trust them to close or cover their eyes.

    2. Once a student has completed the course, the person who is next in line needs to either leave the room or close their eyes, so the course can be rearanged, otherwise they will know basically where to go.

    Submitted by Mark Manross. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 9/22/2001.
    Viewed 195558 times since 8/24/2001.

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    Slalom Blindfold

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    Let others know how this idea went when you implemented/tried it with your kids. Include any variations, suggested teaching tips, positive comments, etc. so others can benefit from your tips. Please be helpful and positive with all comments. Look below to see all posted comments.



    Previous Comments:


    A great activity during Paralympics. Gives students a sense of the difficulties faced by visually impaired athletes.

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