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Name of Activity:

Giant Puzzles

Purpose of Activity:

To evaluate students ability to cooperate and learn together.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

A 4 x 8 foot sheet of plywood that is cut into 10 odd-shaped puzzle pieces. You will need one puzzle for every 10 students.

Description of Idea

After forming students into groups of 10, give each a puzzle piece. Each group's objective is to assemble their giant puzzle. The one rule is that only the owner of each puzzle piece can place that piece where it belongs. Other group members may make suggestions, but cannot place another student's piece in the puzzle.

This is an excellent activity to talk about afterwards. Ask your students: What strategies they used? How the group cooperated? What would they do differently if they could do it again?


You may also try this activity without any talking.

Submitted by Jim Krouscas. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 11/2/2001.
Viewed 214222 times since 8/24/2001.

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Giant Puzzles

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Previous Comments:

J McDonald

A variation. blindfold half the students. Only the sighted can give directions and not touch the pieces. The blindfolded students can only touch and listen for the directions.
Also, use clear tape to secure the key to the puzzle onto one of the pieces to prevent damage or being lost! one less item to pick up!

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