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Name of Activity:
TGFU Grid Ultimate Frisbee/Sports Reporter Podcast Instructional Sequence
Purpose of Activity:
• The student will utilize previously learned skills for catching a Frisbee.
• The student will utilize previously learned skills for throwing a Frisbee.
• The student will work cooperatively with a small group and maintain proper personal responsibility.
• The student will use proper social support.
• The student will participate in an unstructured mini-Ultimate Frisbee game.
• The student will objectively analyze the game as played with no instruction or skill building activities.
• The student will participate in a semi-structured mini-Ultimate Frisbee game.
• The student will have the opportunity to be their team’s coach, along with the responsibilities that go along with coaching appropriately.
• The student will have the opportunity to be the sports reporter for their team’s games against other teams.
Proper Frisbee Throwing Pattern, technique is helpful, but not mandatory.Prior use of audio-clip recording device will make the lesson go smoother, however it is not required.
Suggested Grade Level:
9-12Materials Needed:
One (1) Frisbee per two (2) teams of students.
Eight (8) cones per game, to designate the end zones.
Cones to designate the boundaries.
One (1) coach’s task card.
One (1) handheld per sports reporter.
One (1) computer for downloading audio clip.
Description of Idea
Note: Each activity is considered one (1) lesson, therefore if you teach with a block schedule, you may be able to do two activities in one day; however if you teach with a traditonal schedule (less than 60 minutes per class period), then the activities would would need to be spread over several class periods.
* Place the cones around the edge of the playing area to designate the boundaries.
* First activity: place four (4) cones in a square.
* Second activity: place four (4) cones on each side of the end-zone, approximately 5 feet apart.
* Pre-design student triads.
Description of Learning Activities:
- Proper Frisbee Throwing Technique: athletic stance; grip Frisbee with the thumb on the top, first finger on the lip, and the other fingers underneath; pivot to the non-dominate side; bring Frisbee to chest with elbow pointing to the target at should height; step out, towards the target, with the dominate foot; straighten arm; snap wrist; follow through with fingers pointing to the target.
- Place students in a triad, team of three (3).
- Match two (2) triads together.
- Each group (2 triads) is assigned to one “grid” (square designated by cones).
- Scoring = one (1) point per every three (3) consecutive passes.
- Change of possession = anytime your triad loses the Frisbee to the other team via an interception or it is “grounded” (hits the ground), goes out of bounds, or you score.
- Anytime your triad loses possession or scores, the other team starts at the top (i.e. ½-court BB game).
- Alternative: let students make up their own rules, such as what is considered a pass.
Activity One:
Allow students to play, within their square, for several minutes, with no instructions.
Stop & freeze all students: this is a time for questions & answers.
- “Raise your hand if you were frustrated during this game?”
- “Does anyone have any clarifying questions regarding the rules?”
- “Who remembers ½-court BB? When a basket is made, the other team takes the ball out at the top. Same in this game, if a team scores, their opponents take the Frisbee out at the top.”
Students play the game again with the teacher monitoring the game and giving suggestions, feedback, skill instruction, etc.
Stop & freeze all students: Q & A
- “How do we throw a Frisbee to our partner if they are close to us, or far from us?”
- “How do we catch the Frisbee correctly?”
- “How do we ‘get open’ to be able to receive a throw?”
Students play the game again, attempting to correct the above-mentioned skills.
Introduce “Splitting the Defense”:
Activity Two-Four:
- Player 1 (“thrower”) must throw to Player 2 (“receiver), but only after Player 1 has moved.
- Player 2 (Offense) must move from one cone to the other cone, in a straight line (on the edge of the square) and may not cut diagonally across the square.
- The “thrower” (Player 1) may not throw the Frisbee diagonally across the square, but may throw it to the two cones in a direct link (or line) from them.
- The “thrower” (Player 1) may not move-they may only take the lead step.
- One (1) defender on the ”receiver” (Player 2)-to begin.
- Add a second defender on the “thrower” (Player 1) after everyone has played every position and the students are successful.
- Add a third offensive player, after everyone has played every position and the students are successful.
- The two defenders may play defense anywhere within the grid-not guarding any specific player.
Class Discussion regarding Coaches:
In their triads:
Students come up with 3 to 4 characteristics of a coach.
- Several adjectives of what a coach does during a game.
- What are the expectations of a coach?
- One spokesperson to share with the rest of the class.
- Gives positive/constructive feedback.
- Gives specific Feedback.
- Gives strategies.
- Respectful.
- Encouraging.
- Gives suggestions on strategies.
- Uses players’ names.
Activity Five:
Introduce student coaches: they should be helping their team improve their skills, from the sidelines, by encouraging them as well as giving them instruction on strategy and technique. Remind students what the role of the coach is and the expectation of them when they are the coach.
- Allow students to play this game, utilizing the student coach.
- Rotate student coaches.
Activity Six-Eight:
Sports Reporter Practice:
- Triads continue playing the game.
- Student coaches now become the sportscaster.
- Sports Reporters should use this time to practice their sports casting (announcing).
- Sports Reporter will record the play-by-play action of their team’s game, using the proper terminology, names of players, descriptive terms, and so forth.
- Sports Reporter should use varying tones of voice.
- Sports Reporter may give “history” of the players; advice about what would have been a better play, etc.
- Rotate students so each one has the opportunity to practice their own sports cast.
- Allow students to do multiple practice recordings.
Activity Nine-Ten:
Sports Reporter Recording:
- Rotate the students so that each one has the opportunity to record their own sports cast.
- Students should download their audio clip to the teacher’s computer via handheld-to-handheld infrared transmission; handheld-to-computer infrared transmission; or other such means.
- Allow students to do multiple recordings.
Teacher Responsibilities:
- The teacher will need to convert the audio clip into a MP3 format for uploading to their website or Blog. Using the program Audacity is a good way to convert the audio clip.
Coaches Characteristics Task Card
Self Assessment
Seven Sins of a Sports Reporter
Sports Reporter Task Card
Ultimate Frisbee Sports Casting
Assessment Ideas:
• Teacher observation of students’ social support and group cooperation working with a small group.
• Students give themselves an assessment regarding how they interacted with their triad.
• Instructor may use a skills checklist to determine skill level of each student, for throwing and catching a Frisbee.
• Self, peer, teacher assessment of the pod-cast sports broadcast using an evaluation tool such as a specific assessment form.
Teaching Suggestions:
**Each Activity is considered one (1) lesson, therefore if you teach with a block schedule, you may be able to do two activities in one day; however if you teach with a tradional scheudle (less than 60 minutes per class period), then the activities would would need to be spread over several class periods.
Adaptations for Students with Disabilities
Another student can record the information for the student with a disability. The student could write the information down rather then doing an audio clip.
Use modified equipment such as a foam Frisbee, XL Frisbee, or ring Frisbee.
Alter the rules to accomodate for that student's disability.
Previous Comments:
the shnoz |
Mark Walz, Jr |
Mark Walz Jr. |
Cristiam Tejada |
Grad Student |