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Name of Activity:

Cooperative Hoops

Purpose of Activity:

To have students understand the concept of inclusion and that everyone belongs no matter the situation.

Suggested Grade Level:

2nd and UP

Materials Needed:

Cones to define general space, a hoop or bycicle tire for each student in the class

Description of Idea

Each student has their own hoop to stand in the middle of at the beginning of the game. Hoops should be spaced safely throughout the playing area. On the signal (i.e. teacher signal or beginning of song) students begin to move randomly throughout general space avoiding the hoops. For younger students you probably want to have them move in different locomotor pattern (i.e., walk at a low level).

When the music stops (or on the teacher signal) students must get back into a hoop as quickly as possible (only one student per hoop). Now you are going to make this harder by removing 2/3 hoops. Before playing the game ask the students what they are going to have to do to make this successful. You may want to talk about helping each other out and emphasize why you are doing this.

Play the game again but now when the music stops or on the teachers signal the students have to get into a hoop but they are going to have to have more than one student in the hoop to be successful. Continue removing hoops until you have 5-7 students having to share one hoop.

Take time at the end to talk about the strategies they used to help each other out. Emphasize the good things that you saw when they helped each other out.

Teaching Suggestions:

Please encourage students to invite "stragglers" (students who wonder around who aren't inclined to get in the hoops) into their hoops. This needs to be an inclusion activity and sometimes there are students who don't like to be close to others in such a small area.

This activity is best used with students who have a good understanding of pathways and moving easily in general space.

Submitted by Chuck  McNevich who teaches at Carver Elementary School in Lexington Park , MD . Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 4/10/2001.
Viewed 223961 times since 8/24/2001.

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Cooperative Hoops

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Previous Comments:

Sandy Bernhardt

Hi there. I am a student teacher in Adelaide, South Australia and used this game while I was on a Prac at a local primary school. the students loved it and it was a great game for inclusion and encouragement. Thanks for sharing it.


my students keep coming up with the goal for themselves to include everyone but are struggling with ways to actually implement that goal. this game sounds great to help them start working on it. thanks for posting.

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