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Name of Activity:

Mine Field

Purpose of Activity:

To have students experience the loss of their sight and to develop feelings for those less fortunate than them.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Blind folds for each student, hockey sticks, yarn balls, poly circles, bean bags, frisbees, hula hoops, etc.

Description of Idea

Scatter the equipment all over the floor from one end of the activity area to the other. Have the students work in pairs. One partner is wears a blind fold while the other works as a guide to instruct their partner across the mine field. The instructing partner is not to touch their partner at any time. Once they cross the mine field (i.e., activity area) they switch places. If they touch a mine at any time they are to switch places but they go back to the beginning. Make harder or easier by adding or subtracting equipment.

Submitted by Meredith  Ervin who teaches at Granville Elementary School in Granville , OH . Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 3/16/2001.
Viewed 244657 times since 8/24/2001.

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Mine Field

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Previous Comments:


This is genius

Dave S

Great team building activity. Kids really love working together and build trust between each other. Great idea

Coach B

Our school year starts in a few weeks and I just read this activity and cannot wait to try it out with my students. It sounds like great fun; maybe I'll even try it with our teachers so they can see how important it is to work together to obtain a common goal.

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