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Name of Activity:

Little Ghost

Purpose of Activity:

To work on chasing, fleeing, and dodging during a Halloween based activity.


Teach the students the poem to recite.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Cones and tagging instruments, such as foam paddles, stuffed toys, or anything soft. You can make “Ghosts” for tagging by taking a 18-24 inch square piece of cheese cloth and placing it over a white fleece ball, fastening it with a rubber band around the “neck” to form a “Ghost.” Add two small, oval black felt pieces for eyes.

Description of Idea

Students stand around a large circle line with three to five players in the middle. Set up 3-4 areas with cones for the HOME. The students in the middle of the circle are Ghosts. The other students recite the following poem as they walk in a circle around the Ghosts.

"Once there was a Little Ghost
Who went out in the night
He liked to scare the children most
On every Halloween night. BOO!"

When the word "BOO" is said, all players must run to one of the Homes without getting tagged. If they get tagged before reaching the Home, they join the Ghost in the middle of the circle, then switch places with that Ghost by handing over the tagging instrument. The class then goes back to the circle where there are new Ghosts, and recite the poem again. Repeat several times so there is opportunity for many students to be Ghosts.

Assessment Ideas:

After the game, ask the students the following questions about chasing, dodging and fleeing:
What did you do to get safely home without getting tagged by the Ghost?
Why do you think you got tagged?
What could you try to do next time so you don’t get tagged?
When you were a Ghost, what did you do to make it easier to tag someone?

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Have students pair up in partners, helping each other reach “home.”
Have students try other locomotor skills to reach “home.”

Submitted by Becky Ryan who teaches at Stiles Elementary School in Rockford, IL. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 10/20/2003.
Viewed 70705 times since 10/1/2003.

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Little Ghost

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