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Name of Activity:

Twisted Sisters Disco Inferno

Purpose of Activity:

To have students work together to solve a problem.

Suggested Grade Level:


Description of Idea

Have a small group of students (5-6) hold hands in a straight line, all facing in the same direction. The person at the end puts their hand up against a wall or holds onto a pole.

The task is for everyone, including the person with their hand around the pole or up against the wall, to end up with their arms folded across their chest.

None of the students can let go of their hands and the person at end must keep hand on the wall or pole. There are a number of known ways to solve this problem. Give the students plenty of time to discuss possible solutions.

Check out some solutions!

We hope your students come up with more answers!

Submitted by Ken Bell who teaches at Boise State Univ. in Boise, ID. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 8/13/2005.
Viewed 267458 times since 8/24/2001.

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Twisted Sisters Disco Inferno

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Previous Comments:


hi. I might try this game with my class it sounds like fun!


you get the impression that this activity is difficult but when i delivered it to my p.e class , along with a few other critical thinking activities the students found it too easy and solved with 5 mins. It took longer to explain than students took to complete. =[


i think this game will be fun to the class

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