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Name of Activity:

Locomotor Easter Egg Hunt

Purpose of Activity:

Practice basic locomotor skills and increase aerobic endurance.


Instruction on locomotor skills

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

50+ Easter egg cut-outs with a locomotor skill written on each one; lively music

Description of Idea

Hide the Easter eggs around the room before students arrive. They can be placed under cones, mats, poly spots, etc.

Review and demonstrate each of the locomotor skills (jump, hop, run, walk, leap, gallop, slide, skip) written on the eggs.

Start music to signal students to begin searching for eggs. When an egg is found, the students must pick up the egg and perform the locomotor skill on that egg until they find another egg. Pick up the second egg and replace with the first one. Perform the new locomotor skill (or continue with the same if necessary) until the next egg is found. Always replace the newly found egg with the previously found one. Continue until the music stops.

Assessment Ideas:

Color code the Easter eggs with particular locomotor skills.
(example: green egg = skipping)

You can easily see by the color they are holding if they are performing the correct locomotor skill.

Note: Encourage your students to pick all the colors in the rainbow, so they have an opportunity to do all of the locomotor skills.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

Create a legend using pictures and words. Anyone having difficulty reading the words can refer to the pictures for clarification.

Submitted by Nina Carter who teaches at Botetourt Elementary in Gloucester, VA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 11/20/2002.
Viewed 50268 times since 11/18/2002.

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Locomotor Easter Egg Hunt

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I did this activity but instead of using cut outs...I went to the dollar store and got 60+ Easter eggs. I just printed the exercises and placed them in the eggs. The kids loved the fact that they had to "crack open" the egg to get to the exercise!

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