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Name of Activity:

Steps to Fitness (with pedometers)

Purpose of Activity:

This is a simple way to use pedometers to encourage movement in game/play/exercise situations. It also allows students (and teacher) to evaluate the fitness potential of different activities.


Students have to have been taught in proper pedometer use. They need to know the rule - "If you shake it (the pedometer), I have to take it."

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Pedometers for each student. Related game equipment.

Description of Idea

This simple activity is just another way to use pedometers to motivate students to move, as well as promote the concept that movement is what's important for health, not the game score. As groups or teams participate in game situations, for example mini-soccer games (2 vs 2), they wear their pedometers. Allow the students to play for a set amount of time. When time is up, instead of counting goals scored, individuals write their number of steps on a personal chart.

Students will then be able to add their steps over several days or compare a set amount of time in soccer to the same amount of time in a tag game. Students can make judgements about the quality of different activities in promoting fitness.

Assessment Ideas:

For individual assessment purposes, approximately 600 steps = 1/4 mile, 1200 steps = 1/2 mile, 1800 steps = 3/4, or 2400 steps = one mile.

Submitted by Millie Wostratzky who teaches at Gower West School in Willowbrook, IL. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 9/15/2002.
Viewed 132632 times since 8/30/2002.

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Steps to Fitness (with pedometers)

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Previous Comments:

Jennifer Strause

Thanks for the catchy saying...I've been looking for something that they'll remember besides, "now remember, don't shake it." :)

Todd White

Works great students really enjoyed the challenge!!

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