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Name of Activity:

Easter Basket Bonanza

Purpose of Activity:

To teach students how to pass a soccer ball under control so they understand the force necessary to reach a target.


Dribbling with feet (inside and outside practice in previous lessons).

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Balloons (aka - easter eggs), Hula-hoops (aka - easter basket), Poly spots or bean bags

Description of Idea

Students are grouped in pairs. Each pair has a hula hoop (aka - Easter basket). The pairs put the Easter basket (hoop) in the middle (between them) and then walk off a distance designated by the teacher. Once each student has gotten the distance desired they place a poly spot down.

Each pair will have one colored balloon (Easter egg). The students will pass using the inside of their foot trying to place the Easter egg (balloon) into the Easter basket (hoop).

If the pairs get an Easter egg in the basket they receive 2 points. If the Easter egg rolls through the basket they get 1 point.

If the Easter egg breaks students will need to visit the Easter Bunny (teacher) to respond verbally with the correct answer as to why the Easter egg broke (in order to receive another egg/balloon).

Assessment Ideas:

Verbal questioning:

Why is it important to pass the easter egg under control? (so that the easter egg does not break).

What part of the foot do we use to pass the easter egg to our partner/target?

If we increase the distance to the basket what do you have to do to get your easter egg in the easter basket? (use more force to pass under control)

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities

If a student in a wheelchair they can pass with their hands.

If a student is visually impaired you can place bells in the balloon and place a beeper on the hoop.

Submitted by Angela Beale who teaches at Florida State University & Evangel Christian Academy in Tallahassee, FL. Additional authors for this idea were Shannon L. Wood. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 4/6/2002.
Viewed 33881 times since 4/2/2002.

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Easter Basket Bonanza

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