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Name of Activity:


Purpose of Activity:

To help children understand how to work cooperatively with a partner.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

One scooter board and length of rope; two hula hoops; and as many yarn balls or other small soft objects for each set of partners.

Description of Idea

Before beginning the activity, discuss with students what the word "cooperation" means. Remind them that it involves communicating with others in a positive (nice) way, as well as working together nicely. Let them know the activity they will be doing today requires them to cooperate with a partner in order to get something done, and it will involve scooters. Before explaining the activity, remind students about safety concerns regarding the scooter (sit on behind or lay on stomach; keep hands out from under the scooter; always make sure partner is ready when you push or pull the scooter; stop immediately if the person on the scooter loses their balance; look out for others).

Next, explain the purpose of the activity (explained below) and demonstrate it if necessary. Then, pair students up. One student safely sits or lays upon the scooter board while the other pulls with a length of rope.

The goal of the activity is for the student on the scooter board to transport one yarn ball (or other object) at a time from a pile in a hoop in one designated area to a hoop in another designated area as he/she rides upon the scooter. The other partner must use his/her creativity to discover a safe and fun way to pull the scooter board rider. Once all the yarn balls are piled in the second hoop, students can both practice balancing the yarn balls on various body parts until all groups are finished and you are ready to being again.

When everyone is finished, have students turn to their partner and tell them if they did a good job or not. Did they talk nicely to their partner? Were they able to safely complete their task? When done, have students switch roles and begin again! If necessary, discuss any problems which different groups encountered and discuss how groups solved that problem.


  • Observe to see if students are safely using the scooters. Stop the activity immediately if this is not the case.

  • Students can switch partners after both have had the opportunity to ride on the scooter.

  • Stress to students that this is not a race, but rather, a chance to have fun and see how well they can work together with a partner.

  • Have specific groups show others any creative ways they found to
    safely pull their scooter partner to a hoop.

Assessment Ideas:

  • Ask students to complete a small sheet detailing how they and their partner worked together by coloring in the "smile" face for "good"; "so-so" face for "OK"; "frowny" face for "not so good". Have them tell their partner how they rated him or her, adding any comments on the sheet if able to.

  • Teachers can also observe students as they work together, noting
    any difficulties individual students may have.

Submitted by Matthew  Schinelli who teaches at West Orange Schools in West Orange , NJ . Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 5/30/2001.
Viewed 274653 times since 8/24/2001.

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Previous Comments:


these scooters were my favorite thing in PE class when I was a kid!

katelyn deas

i love your little story.


I used this activity with my Pre-K through first grade classes. They did it as a race to see who could win. We used tennis sized balls instead of yarn balls. The students had fun and learned how to pull hand-over-hand to pull-in their scooterboard partner.


i did not mean to put abuse about the comment that i just left. idk this website that well this is my 1st time being on it! sorry!!!


this is a great website 4 kids just like me i am 13 years old and these games would be awesome to do with all of your friends at school!!!!

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