Title of Bulletin Board: Brush Up on these Facts Category: Dental Care Suggested Grade Level: K-2 Materials: Drawing of Toothfairy, tooling from fabric store, library books on teeth Description: This board features preventative dental care. Signs are as follows: Brush your teeth, gums, and tongue for 2 minutes 2 times a day, Floss at least once a day, Visit the dentist every 6 months. The tooth fairy was free hand drawn with tool material for her skirt. I also put glitter on her wings for "bling". I check out books in the school library to place around the board for "book talks" to promote the books. I use this board during national dental month.
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Submitted by Leslie Wagner who teaches at James R. Tate in Van Buren, AR. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 11/27/2009 2:16:53 PM. Viewed 23284 times since 11/20/2009.
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