Title of Bulletin Board: We're Having A Ball This Fall in PE

Category: Seasons (Fall, Spring, etc.)

Suggested Grade Level: K-8

Materials: Bulletin Borad paper, border, letters, round plastic laundry basket, assorted balls


The purpose was simply to make an interesting board with a physical education theme. This board is next to the lobby and seen by most everyone coming into the school.

The cornicopia was made with a round plastic laundry basket taped (duct tape was used and run through the slats in basket and the stapled for reinforcement). We recycled the brown paper from our October board to cover the basket. We stapled the brown for the middle and end of the cornicopia, twisting it as we worked our way up. The paper was already in strips as we had used it for a tree previously. The basket served as a support for light weight balls to fill the cornicopia. The balls spilling out were either taped, pinned or rested on push pins(wiffle balls). We added a fall leave vine, taping into place.

We're Having A Ball This Fall in PE Image

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Submitted by Shelley Grimes who teaches at Harrand Creek Elementary in Enterprise, AL. Additional authors for this idea were Trentino Scott, Zach Kelley. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 1/22/2009 9:11:25 AM. Viewed 38546 times since 1/21/2009.

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Mandy Curtis


I'm a writer for a Texas educational nonprofit and I'm writing an article on inspired (and inspiring!) bulletin boards for the next issue of our magazine, which is mailed to more than 100,000 Texas public school educators, and we'd like to include the photo of this bulletin board in the article. If you're OK with us using it, please email mcurtis@atpe.org and let me know. Thanks!

Mandy Curtis

Mary Camacho

I used this idea for my fall bulletin board and it looks great. I added leaves to complement fall. Great idea.

Mary Camacho
P.E. Aide
Halstead Elementary