Title of Bulletin Board: Entrance to PE Room PE Rocks Poster

Category: Beginning of School

Suggested Grade Level: All

Materials: PDF of posters with different background colors, printer, laminator


This poster/bulletin board is designed to be posted outside of the PE classroom so students can get excited about the things they will be doing in physical education that year. Represented on the board are 7 areas of PE that are loosely based on SHAPE America's Standards. They include Dance, Motor Skills, Fitness, Cooperation, etc. These all surround the phrase in the middle "PE Rocks". It is great for administrators and parents to see this poster as it reminds them of what is going on in a great PE program. We suggest taking these images to a place where they can be printed in larger sizes and then laminate.

All of the posters are all available in this PDF file or individually in the image files below featuring different background colors.

Picture of Poster Laminated and Hanging in Pete's School Hallway

White Background
Yellow Background
Light Blue Background
Mint Green Background
Beige Background

Additional Information:

Special thanks to Pete Charrette who designed this poster and contacted PE Central to make it available free for everyone.

Entrance to PE Room PE Rocks Poster Image

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Submitted by Pete Charrette who teaches at Pickett's Mill Elementary in Powder Springs, GA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 8/17/2017 10:03:12 AM. Viewed 28343 times since 8/17/2017.

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Sheel Prabha Gautam

I would like to know more activities for children