Title of Bulletin Board: Winter Olympics - Sochi - 2014

Category: Olympics

Suggested Grade Level: K-5

Materials: Snowflakes, olympic pictograms of events, cut out hands for torch flames, letters, rings, etc.


Winter Olympic Bulletin Board - Sochi - 2014

We were able to print off the pictograms for the Olympic events from the below website:

Pictograms for Olympic Events

We had a second grade class trace and cut out red construction paper handprints to use as the flame in the 3D torch on the bulletin board.

We listed the meaning of each ring, i.e.: Blue = Participation, Yellow = Competition, Black = Excellence, Green = Unity, and Red = Hope - out to the side of the Olympic Rings.

We also collaborated with the 2nd grade to teach them about the rings. We taught students how each ring represents the 5 continents, (Africa, the Americas - North & South are combined, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. and the colors of the rings all represent the flags of the countries that participate in the Olympics. Every flag of a country participating in the Olympics includes one of those colors (including the white background.)

We had students make snowflakes to put up, and we used an icicle border for the top and bottom, with an Olympic medal border on the sides.

In collaboration with our 2nd grade, the teachers put out a packet with some of the same information listed above, along with other facts, that included geography, number of events, history of medal counts, history of Winter Olympic games, youngest athlete to win a gold medal, where the torch will travel, and even a place for students to create/invent their own Winter Olympic mascot.

Winter Olympics - Sochi - 2014 Image

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Submitted by Kahlil Boyette, Sharon Throckmorton, Bill Mosley Boyette, Throckmorton, Mosley who teaches at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, GA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 2/26/2014 10:37:04 AM. Viewed 13027 times since 2/25/2014.

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Gerry C.( retired PE)

Great idea and it appears the students received an appreciation of skills, teamwork and fun!Using free or makeshift equipment is always a great idea, with the hope of carry-over at home.
I did a GYm Show for 35 years, and a favorite was Olympics and the most received( crowd) station was on scooter boards and plungers for a slalom.