Title of Bulletin Board: Santa Needs Exercise

Category: Holiday-Christmas/Winter

Suggested Grade Level: 3-5

Materials: Brick paper, cut out Santa, stockings, garlin, and clip art


The bulletin board is Santa coming down the chimney head first, but Santa is supposed to be stuck. Beside Santa's head is a thought bubble that reads "HO HO HO, I REALLY NEED TO START EXERCISING." There is clip art around the chimney to give it a Christmas Eve theme. The bulletin board was made for the holiday season, while trying to emphasize physical fitness along with it.

Santa Needs Exercise Image

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Submitted by Matt DeChicko who teaches at Wilson Elementary School in Imperial, PA. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 11/11/2014 1:39:14 PM. Viewed 33744 times since 12/3/2007.

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Hey! I loved the bulletin board, here is my own version of it.