Title of Bulletin Board: Following Rules is right down our Alley

Category: Rules

Suggested Grade Level: K-2

Materials: butcher paper, pictures of playground equipment, construction paper


We took picture of the playground equipment and printed them out in color as 8x 10. We made the bowling pins and bowling ball and letters. This board was used for the first day of PE class. We would ask a student to come up to the board and point at a piece of equipment. Then, he/she would explain the rules for that piece of equipment. Then during the next several classes, we would use it as a review.

Following Rules is right down our Alley Image

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Submitted by Charley Yaeger who teaches at Ruth Fyfe ES in las vegas, NV. Additional authors for this idea were wendy halford. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 9/27/2010 9:23:26 AM. Viewed 10728 times since 9/19/2010.

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erica burrows

wow this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!