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Teacher: Gary Spinney who teaches at Rockport Elementary School in Rockport, ME. Gary Spinney can be contacted at
Name of Best Practice: Back to School Open House Physical Education Program
Rationale/Purpose of Event: To eduacate parents about the child's Physical Edcation Program by passing out flyers and by having students perform an activity or two to their parents during their child's open House.
Suggested Grade Level: PRE-K - 8
Back to School Open House Physical Education Program
Each grade level from K-4 (24 classes) invites their parents, friends, and their physical education teacher to an open house during the beginning of each school year for a hour. Parents have a chance to view some of their child’s work, meet their child’s teacher, and to learn about their child’s physical education program. For the last half hour, parents are asked to come to the gym to observe each of the four classes while the students perform an activiy or two from their Physical Eductrion Program. This demonstrates to their parents what the NEW Physical Education Progsram looks like. As parents enter the gym they receive a flyer which has an over-view of their child physical education program. All four classes from one grade level sit together at the end of the gym with their teachers. The students not only get a opportunity to perform in front of a large audience, they also learn how to be a good spectator. This event packs the gym and is always a huge success and is a wonderful opportunity for any physical educator to sell their program.
(Any Practice receiving 5 Votes earns Blue Ribbon Status on PEC)
Posted on PEC: 10/22/2002 and has received 104 votes.

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