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Teacher: Debbie Glaberman who teaches at Heritage Middle School (formerly at F.A. Berry School Bethel, CT) in Wake Forest, NC. Debbie Glaberman can be contacted at

Name of Best Practice: S.N.O.R.E. (Sports Night Organized Reading Event)

Rationale/Purpose of Event: To promote reading through Physical Education.

Suggested Grade Level: Grades 2-3

Materials Needed: * Letters to Parents/Permission Slips * Sign-up roster (make sure to include parent/emergency contact numbers, meds, allergies, donations, parent volunteer, etc.) * Plan-a-gram and schedule * Participant checklist for overnight stay (This may include: Pajamas, slippers, sleeping bag, pillow, stuffed animal, toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, etc. NO GUM, CANDY, SODA, IPODS, etc. are permitted!!!) * Gymnasium * Cafeteria (with use of tables, refrigerator) * Table/chairs (for check-in)area * First Aid Kit * Poster paper * Non-toxic markers * Cones * Decorations (crepe paper, sports banners, etc.) * Posters to promote the event * 200-300 Books about sports (Fiction/Non-fiction, assorted reading levels) * Bookcases * Flashlights (donated by Duracell)- 1 per participant * Student reading recording charts - 1 per participant * 2000 small sports stickers * Microphone * Calming "lullabye" CD * Taps/Revelry CD * Activity CD's (i.e.: "Cha-cha slide," "Macarena," "Chicken Dance," "Chicken Fat," "Hokey Pokey," "Cotton- eyed Joe," * CD player/speakers * Student information/emergency contact cards * 6 Punch balls * 4 Volleyball Nets * 5 Volleyball Standards * Healthy snacks (veggies/dip, cheese/crackers, Chex Mix, pretzels, etc.) * Fruit juice (juice boxes are preferable) * Water * Cheerios/Raisin Bran/Special K/Rice Krispies * Milk * Paper cups/bowls * Plastic spoons * Napkins * Cleaning supplies (paper towels, Clorox wipes, etc. - there are bound to be a few spills) * Parent volunteers * First aid person (if you are not trained/certified) * Guest readers * Parent sign-out form * Thank you notes

S.N.O.R.E. (Sports Night Organized Reading Event)

S.N.O.R.E. is designed to promote reading through Physical Education. It is a "read-athon sleepover" celebration, It is a great way for physical educators to provide a inter-disciplinary activity that will enhance the cognitive, affective, and social development of students. This event will be A LOT of work to organize and facilitate, but it is WELL WORTH THE EFFORT!!!

First, you must meet with your Principal to present this event and its merits. (He/she will most likely think you are a bit crazy for suggesting this activity.) Discuss an appropriate date (most likely a Friday evening), logistics regarding having the school open overnight, custodial duties, etc.) Next, engage the cooperation/assistance of your Parent-Teacher Organization.

Send out Parent Letters/Permission slips. Unless your P.T.O/P.T.A. is going to pay for the food, paper goods, etc. for this event, you may choose to request students bring a refreshment to share with all participants (students, guest readers, and parent volunteers); provide a check-off list of food/paper items that are acceptable for this event. Be precise! As physical education teachers we are trying to promote healthy snacks.

As permission slips are returned to you, record student
information so you will know who is coming, and each student's emergency contact information. (It is best to have a deadline for permission slips to be returned, to prevent being "surprised" with lots of extra participants. You should know in advance who is attending, so you may be prepared for students who have special needs.)

Gather as many appropriate sports books that also focus on lifetime sports/fitness as possible. This will necessitate going to the school media center and/or the local library. You might also want to go to local yard sales, library book sales, etc. Make sure you have a good variety of fiction, non-fiction, and books of various reading levels to accommodate all of your students! Choose a book for "Karaoke Reading" (to be explained later); this book should be relatively easy to read and contain approximately as many paragraphs or sentences as the number of students that will be attending your S.N.O.R.E.

Divide students into groups (or have students sign up for groups so that they may be with their friends). Assign one or more parent volunteers to each group. I recommend groups be no more than 8 students per adult chaperone. Make a "plan-a-gram" to designate where each group will be stationed in the gym for the night of S.N.O.R.E. Take great care in doing this; separate groups by gender, "personalities," etc.)

The day of the event, stay after school to set up the gym.
Decorate and designate areas for participants to go to once they have checked in.

On the night of the event, greet students as they arrive. Have parent volunteer(s) check students in. Each participant is given a reading recording chart. As each student enters the gym, he/she places his/her sleeping bags/overnight bags in their designated area (finding the cone that has a poster with his/her name on it) and report directly to the parent chaperoning his/her group.

The event begins at 7 p.m., with the teacher welcoming all students to the event S.N.O.R.E. and going over the "ground rules" for the event. (i.e.: If a student needs to use a restroom, he/she must let the parent chaperone know, and go with a buddy; no food or drinks in the gym; if you are not feeling well, let the chaperone know; do not shine flashlights in peoples' eyes; etc.) Groups are encouraged to create a name for their group, and design a poster to One-by-one groups are called up to the bookcases to choose their individual books. Each student will read a book silently; upon completion, he/she will receive a sticker on his/her reading recording chart. Then, he/she may return the book and select a new one. Each student will earn one sticker on his/her reading record sheet each time he/she completes a book. (If a student selects a "chapter book," he/she will earn one sticker for each chapter completed.)

After a half hour of silent reading, students are given the opportunity to be read to by the adult chaperone of their group. Every member of the group will receive a sticker for the book that the chaperone read.

(While students are reading, have parent volunteers set up snacks in the cafeteria.)

Next, move on to partner reading. Students will read a short story to a friend/partner in their group, then the partner will return the favor and read a short story to him/her. Students earn a sticker for each book completed.
(So partners will each earn 2 stickers for this segment of S.N.O.R.E.)

After appproximately and hour, groups are called upon (in a staggered format) to enjoy snacks. (Students are encouraged to clean up after themselves in the cafeteria.)

When all students have had an opportunity to partake in snacks, introduce your "Guest Reader." (This may be the Principal, Teacher, Mayor, Selectperson, Member of a Varsity team at your local high school, a local Celebrity, etc.)He/she may have a favorite sports related short story to share with your students, or you may provide one for him/her; however, you should agree upon the story before he /she presents it to your students. Remind students about "good audience" manners. The Guest Reader Each student earns a sticker for listening to the Guest Reader.

After the Guest Speaker's presentation, students will have done a lot of sitting, so, it will be time to get them up and active. I recommend a game of 4-way balloon (punchball) volleyball. (I usually introduce more than one ball as the game goes on.) I have also incorporated dances, such as "Cotton-eyed Joe," "Macarena," "Cha-cha Slide," etc.)

When gametime is over, have students sit in a huge circle. Facilitate a "Karaoke Reading." The teacher will read the first sentence (or paragraph), then pass the microphone and book to the boy/girl seated next to him/her. The student reads the next sentence/paragraph. (Students may choose to "pass" or opt out from reading, as some will be too shy to use the microphone in front of their peers/parent(s).) This continues until the entire book has been read. Students receive a sticker on their reading record sheet for completing "Karaoke Reading."

By now it is almost 10 p.m. Students return to their groups to do "silent reading" again. As students are doing this activity, select groups (one or two at a time) to get washed up and ready for "lights out." As each student returns from the rest room, have him/her give you his/her reading record sheet. In return, he/she will receive a mini-flashlight (donated by a local merchant or organization).

When all students have completed getting ready (washing up) for bedtime, the teacher will reiterate the "ground rules" for bedtime. We all know what it was like to be kids, so their will be lots of giggles, funny noises, etc. and it will take a while before all the kids really settle in and fall asleep. I recommend giving the entire population 1 minute to do a "Light Show" where they may shine their flashlights up on the ceiling, make funny noises (but not shrieking sounds that may hurt others' ears). This usually allows students to get rid of some of their excess energy and/or nervousness. Once "Taps" is played, all flashlights are to be out! "Lullabye" music is played softly.

When students are asleep, request that a few volunteers assist in setting up the cafeteria so that you will be ready for breakfast the next morning. Using the reading record sheets, count up how many books all participants have read during S.N.O.R.E. Continue to monitor sleeping students throughout the night/morning.

In the morning (7am), we play revelry. Groups are selected to go to the restrooms to "freshen up." As each group completes their restroom visit, a short stretching and a physical activity to get them warmed up is performed. Then the groups report to the cafeteria.

Students are seated at the cafeteria tables. Paper napkins, spoons, and cups are at each place setting. Parent volunteers serve students cereal, juice, and/or milk. Once all participants are seated, bring closure to the event. Announce the number of books students read during S.N.O.R.E.
Thank volunteers, Principal (for permitting S.N.O.R.E.), teachers/paraprofessionals for support, and Parents (for allowing students to attend).

After breakfast, students gather their belongings. As parents arrive, each student MUST report to the "check-out table." Return each student's reading record sheet to him/her. Have each parent sign the sign out form prior to allowing them to exit the school.

On Monday, make an announcement to the entire student body regarding S.N.O.R.E. Thank students for attending, and announce how many books students read throughout the event!


* Offer S.N.O.R.E. without the sleepover. Students may come to school in their pajamas and bring their stuffed animals!

Teaching Suggestions/Tips:

* Secure as many capable volunteers as possible.
* social skills of cooperating and interacting with others may need to be reinforced.
* Organization is crucial!
* Utilize the "buddy system."
* Have parent volunteers take attendance (for their group) several times during the evening.
* Have your cell phone handy, just in case of an emergency, or if a parent needs to pick up their child.
* Don't forget to have fun!

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities:

* If a student with disabilities has a one-on-one paraprofessional during the school day, make arrangements for the student to have accommodations during S.N.O.R.E. (encourage a parent to participate, ask a student-teacher for assistance, or enlist the assistance of a colleague or friend)
* Have appropriate books on hand for Students with Disabilities
* Be aware of meds, evening idiosyncracies (sleep walking, bedwetting, insominetc.), emergency contacts.

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Posted on PEC: 4/4/2008 and has received 139 votes.

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