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Teacher: Kyle Bentley who teaches at Lincoln Elementary in Colmubus, OH. Kyle Bentley can be contacted at
Name of Best Practice: Fun, Fit and Go
Rationale/Purpose of Event: To promote lifelong fitness practices among elementary students and their families.
Suggested Grade Level: K-8
Materials Needed: Wall poster or bulletin board that can be kept and updated all year round. Copies of "Fun, Fit & Go" sheets to hand out to students. These can be made on any computer.
Fun, Fit and Go
"Fun, Fit & Go" is a program to get students in the habit of exercising outside of the school environment and to get there families involved as well. Each class is a team and each team accumulates miles by team members (students) handing in "Fun, Fit & Go" sheets (simply a sheet that lists the activity that was done, how long it was done, the name of the team, the individual students and parents names, and a place for verification signatures) for "miles". Having team mascots adds spirit and teamwork to the program. For every thirty minutes of activity a student is involved in, that student earns one mile for his or her team (class). (Example: played basketball for an hour and a half is equal to 3 miles.) Miles are totaled weekly (or monthly) and kept track of on a graph or a map for the students to keep track of their teams progress. Using a map works great to see how many "miles" a team has traveled. If you wish, you can encourage family members to get involved in this practice. To do this, a student receives a bonus mile for every activity that is done with a family member (mother, father, guardian, aunt, uncle, brother or sister not attending that school). To keep accountability, the parents are asked to look over the "Fun, Fit & Go" sheets and sign them to make sure students do not cheat themselves on fitness. If a family member participates they are asked to sign the sheet by the activity that was performed. All activities must be fitness related.
Awards are given each month for most active student (s) and best team (most miles). You can also come up with other awards or mile clubs to recognize students throughout the school year. Rewards could be an extra PE Class., a free period in the Gym, certificates, etc. Announce the monthly winners over the P.A. and display the students' picture in the hall.
To help boost activity split up grade levels K-2, 3-4, and 5-6 and give each a group name. This gives more winners and more chances for success. At the end of the year have an assembly to recognize monthly winners, as well as overall total "Fun, Fit, & Go" winners. Show the final map and reinforce how important a healthy lifestyle is.
This practice has been a great success and it also sparked interest of the parents in the PE program. Some parents really became involved and began exercising because of it.
(Any Practice receiving 5 Votes earns Blue Ribbon Status on PEC)
Posted on PEC: 9/7/2006 and has received 258 votes.
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