Adapted Physical Education National Standards (APENS)

In 1995 the National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities published the results of their Adapted Physical Education National Standards (APENS) Project. The purpose of the project was twofold: to develop national standards for adapted physical educators and develop a national certification examination to measure knowledge of the standards. The published standards are an initial attempt to describe the roles, responsibilities, and perceived needs of practicing adapted physical educators. The national APENS exam is an evaluation of how well practicing teachers know and understand the standards.

The goal of APENS is to ensure that all students who qualify for specially designed physical education services receive them from a "qualified" teacher. Only a few states have adapted physical education certifications or endorsements. This lack of standards has impeded the hiring of qualified adapted physical educators to provide services to students that need and deserve adapted physical education.

The APENS exam is for all teachers who consider themselves qualified, competent adapted physical educators. The minimum qualifications to take the exam are: a bachelor's degree in physical education, 200 hours of experience providing adapted physical education services, one three credit survey course in adapted physical education, and a valid teaching certificate. The NCPERID-APENS has developed a study guide to help prepare folks for the exam.

In addition, we have 2 additional options for individuals who want a non-examination option to become a Certified Adapted Physical Educator (CAPE) or do not meet our current examination and certification criteria. One of these options is for General Physical Educators and the other professionals in Higher Education, Agencies, and/or Organizations. These individuals can apply to become a Certified Adapted Physical Educator (CAPE) without taking the examination IF they meet the alternative criteria described in Section #2 of each of the applications.

To find out the dates of the exam and download application and study guides please visit their site at

For more information:

Phone: 1-888-APENS-EXAM or (607) 753-4969

APENS Chairman, Dr. Timothy D. Davis CAPE
E224 Park Center, SUNY Cortland, Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045
Web Site:

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