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Name of Activity:

Underhand vs. Overhand Throwing Assessment

Purpose of Activity:

To quickly assess if students can distinguish between the differences between the underhand and overhand throw.

Suggested Grade Level:


Materials Needed:

Throwing Exit Slip and a writing utensil.

Description of Idea

This is a great assessment to do with younger children to see if they know the difference between overhand and underhand throwing. It is great to do early in the year so you get a sense of what you will need to teach them.

The students circle the cartoon character performing the correct type of throw. We typically do our assessments at the end of the class so that is why we call it an "exit slip". You could do this at the beginning of class making it an "entrance slip."

Throwing Exit Slip

Submitted by Bethany Clegg in Muncie, IN. Thanks for contributing to PE Central! Posted on PEC: 10/8/2015.
Viewed 39425 times since 5/8/2014.

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Underhand vs. Overhand Throwing Assessment

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manuela shepherd

the last question is not clear. Do they make an A or T. When u r looking at the legs, yes an A. When you look at thr arms its a T. What answer is correct? Pls email me asap:

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